Scorpion aka Luke



Scorpion aka Luke

Tos/Privacy Policy

I agree

About Me

Im a 52 year old white male from Florida. I’m a Locksmith & web designer. I also work with glass some would call me a glazer. I’m a easy going person… I Live in Loxley Al, About 45 min from Gulf Shores Al.
I’m a easy laid-back person.

“Each day gives me an opportunity…A chance to think consciously, that is, being aware of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, to express a Random Act of Kindness!” I have come to a philosophical point in my life, where as each day: I try to hold a door open for a stranger going into the gas station, give a compliment to someone I do not know in passing, about their looks, clothes, or child with them, show a bit more patience when waiting at a checkout line in a store, or give a “Smile” to a coworker or customer! Our days are not perfect and if we change our thinking about our expectations and realize that we live very stressful lives each day and that chaos is a normal part of it, the difference is how we react to those events throughout the day, will make the difference in our very own existence and we can make a difference to those in passing also. Tomorrow… think about all the people that pass by you on the way to work. People that you share the road with a commonality of getting to work on time, yet are a stranger to you, you probably has passed each other several times, may have even had eye contact, yet are a stranger to one another. Why not give a wave, or a yield, nod of the head as you drive, or a “Good Morning” if walking on the side walk or riding the bus!! That might just make a difference and by all means…”Pay It Forward!!

♥ Peace & Love ♥
To All
: > )
Scorpion Aka Luke




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